Funds are available for restoration and public access projects only. WCB is seeking applications that restore and enhance habitat throughout the state. Projects that increase connectivity and support justice communities are encouraged.
Send completed pre-application to To be accepted by our system, the pre-application must be a MS Word document with the phrase “PreApp” or “Pre-App” in the file name. Please include all maps and photos in the same Word document. If you need to attach maps or photos as separate files, make sure they are in a .pdf file format only.
WCB continues to work through our backlog of applications for acquisitions. If you submitted a pre-application before our application portal closed, expect to hear soon whether you should submit a full application. Once we have addressed proposals already in our queue, we will re-open our application portal for acquisition projects. Be sure to sign up to our email list Subscribe to WCB News to receive notifications.
We also appreciate your interest in funding availability due to passage of Proposition 4. Please be aware that Bond dollars must be allocated through the normal budgeting process. Prop 4 funds will not be available for granting until July 1, 2025, at the earliest.