California Riparian Habitat Conservation Program

Dense green vegetation lining sides of river


The California Riparian Habitat Conservation Program (Program) was created in 1991 by legislation (Senate Bill 906) and is generally funded through the state's Habitat Conservation Fund. The Program's basic mission is to develop coordinated conservation efforts aimed at protecting and restoring California's riparian ecosystems. Riparian systems look and function differently across the state but possess some common ecological and hydrological characteristics such as fish and wildlife habitat, water storage, flood control, nutrient cycling, water quality protection, and recreational and economic benefits.

Riparian projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Restoring riparian vegetation and re-establishing floodplain connectivity.
  • Active or passive restoration that may include an element of invasive plant removal and control.
  • Installing wildlife-friendly fencing along a riparian corridor to manage livestock and reduce impacts to streams or riparian vegetation.
  • Reconfiguring degraded or incised streams to restore natural hydrology and encourage reestablishment of native riparian habitat.
  • Planning, design, and environmental clearance for riparian restoration.

Wildlife Conservation Board
Physical Address: 715 P Street, 17th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814
Mailing Address: Wildlife Conservation Board c/o CDFW, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 445-8448 | Contact WCB