News and Announcements Archive

Wildlife Conservation Board would like to wish everyone a happy Biodiversity Week
  • September 8, 2021

Wildlife Conservation Board would like to wish everyone a happy Biodiversity Week. Biodiversity conservation is one of our Strategic Plan (PDF) top priorities as we, with our partners, contribute to preservation, restoration and access for all throughout the state. At our last Board meeting the Board approved 27 projects for $46 million. A few example projects that support biodiversity include:

A group of birds on a tree branch.
San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve - Brown headed cowbird

a view from under water looking through a group of swimming fish
Kingfisher Flat Hatchery

A large pond with trees and bushes around it.
Stookey Ranch Preserve

  • A grant to restore and enhance 84 acres of riparian and wetland habitat at the San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve in San Diego County. The Project will restore 25 acres of riparian woodland, scrub, and freshwater and alkali marsh habitats to provide climate-resilient, high-quality habitat for the coastal least Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, coastal California gnatcatcher, Ridgway’s rail, other migratory/resident birds, and other associated wildlife.
  • A grant to restore fire-damaged equipment and infrastructure of the Kingfisher Flat Hatchery that has supported salmonid spawning and rearing for conservation for nearly 40 years including federally listed endangered Central California Coast coho salmon.
  • A grant to acquire approximately 7,344 acres of land for the protection of oak woodlands, annual grassland and open meadow areas along with a mixed conifer forest, including riparian corridors, salmonid streams, coastal watersheds and habitat linkages in Mendocino and Trinity counties. The property is in the Eel River watershed that supports over 75 mammal species, 400 bird species, and 15 species of fish including coho salmon and steelhead trout.
  • A grant to acquire 226± acre Stookey Ranch Preserve to conserve wildlife corridors, habitat linkages, and to provide wildlife-oriented, public-use opportunities in Mariposa County. The Property’s diverse ecosystems provide high quality habitat opportunities for great gray owl, olive-sided flycatcher, western pond turtle, yellow warbler, pallid bat, ringtail, porcupine, foothill yellow-legged frog, and other species of concern.
Categories: General

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Wildlife Conservation Board
Physical Address: 715 P Street, 17th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814
Mailing Address: Wildlife Conservation Board c/o CDFW, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 445-8448 | Contact WCB