Lower American River Conservancy Program News

  • December 24, 2018

Mark your calendars for the 2019 Advisory Committee meeting dates.

Join us on the following dates for meetings of the Advisory Committee of the Lower American River Conservancy Program:

  • Thursday, February 7
  • Thursday, June 20
  • Thursday, October 17

All meetings will be held from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Sacramento County Chambers room located at 700 H Street, Suite 1450 Sacramento, CA 95814.

While the calendar is set, special meetings or changes may be made as the Wildlife Conservation Board or the Advisory Committee deems necessary.

Categories: General
  • November 7, 2018

Please join the Wildlife Conservation Board for the last Advisory Committee meeting of the year for the Lower American River Conservancy Program being held tomorrow, November 8, 2018, at 700 H Street in Sacramento. All are welcome to join. Meeting will be from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and in the Sacramento County Board Chambers room.

View the Agenda (PDF) for more information.

Thank you for your support!

Categories: General
  • August 31, 2018

The Wildlife Conservation Board is excited to announce the release of its 2018 Solicitation for the Lower American River Conservancy (LARC) Program!

Pre-Applications are due by Friday, September 28, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PST.

Applicants may consult with the LARC program manager during the pre-application period, which is from August 31 - September 28, to receive feedback on their proposed project and its consistency with the Guidelines of the LARC Program and the 2018 Solicitation priorities. Program manager Cara Allen can be reached by e-mail at LARCP@wildlife.ca.gov or by phone at (916) 445-1095.

By October 3, 2018, WCB will notify all applicants that submitted pre-applications whether or not to proceed with submitting a Full Application.

See the 2018 Solicitation for more details and the Pre-Application form.

Thank you for your interest in the Lower American River Parkway, and good luck!

Categories: Solicitation

Wildlife Conservation Board
Physical Address: 715 P Street, 17th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814
Mailing Address: Wildlife Conservation Board c/o CDFW, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 445-8448 | Contact WCB