Lower American River Conservancy Program Advisory Committee Meeting May 17, 2019 The Lower American River Conservancy Program Advisory Committee will meet May 29, 2019, 8:00 a.m. Location: Sacramento County Chambers Room 700 H Street, Suite 1450, Sacramento, CA 95814 Public welcome! See Full Agenda (PDF) for more information. Continue reading... Categories: General Tagged: May 22 WCB Meeting May 13, 2019 The Wildlife Conservation Board will meet May 22, 2019, 10:00 a.m. Location: California Natural Resources Agency, First Floor Auditorium 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Public welcome! See Full Agenda (PDF) for more information. Continue reading... Categories: General Tagged: Upcoming Public Meetings for Strategic Plan Update May 6, 2019 The Wildlife Conservation Board is updating its 2014 Strategic Plan and would like to hear your thoughts on the key elements intended for inclusion in the Plan update. Attached is the Agenda (PDF) for the first Strategic Plan meeting in Los Angles on May 9 (in-person only). Also attached is the Agenda (PDF) for the second meeting to be held in Sacramento on May 15. This meeting has a webinar (Zoom) call-in option. We look forward to your participation. Continue reading... Categories: General Tagged: Lower American River Conservancy Program PSN Consultation Opportunity May 6, 2019 The Wildlife Conservation Board is preparing to release the 2019 Proposal Solicitation Notice (PSN) for the Lower American River Conservancy Program (LARCP). The first voluntary step for potential applicants is to take advantage of the WCB staff consultation period May 6 – 17, 2019. View the Consultation Announcement (PDF) or go to the LARCP web page for more information. Continue reading... Categories: Grant News Tagged: Strategic Plan Survey and Public Meeting Agenda April 29, 2019 Last chance for input to our Strategic Plan survey! Please respond by COB Thursday, May 2, 2019. The Wildlife Conservation Board is updating its 2014 Strategic Plan and would like to hear your views on WCB's core strengths and weaknesses, as well as thoughts on the key elements intended for inclusion in the Plan update. The data from this survey will help inform the agenda for two, in-person public meetings to discuss the feedback we received and to host additional conversations about the Plan update. Attached is the Agenda (PDF) for the first Strategic Plan meeting in Los Angles on May 9 (in-person only). The second meeting will be held in Sacramento on May 15 (agenda to follow with webinar information). Continue reading... Categories: General Tagged: Preliminary May 22 WCB Meeting Agenda April 23, 2019 The Preliminary Agenda (PDF) is available for the next Wildlife Conservation Board meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, in the First Floor Auditorium of the Natural Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento at 10:00 a.m. The public is welcome. Continue reading... Categories: General Tagged: Wildlife Corridor and Fish Passage Program Grant Solicitation April 4, 2019 The Wildlife Conservation Board's Wildlife Corridor and Fish Passage Program grant proposal solicitation (PDF) under Proposition 68 is now available. Priorities include construction of wildlife overcrossings and undercrossings, restoration of natural habitats that provide a visual screen in wildlife corridors, and removal of instream impediments to fish passage. The first step in applying for funding is to submit a Pre-application, which is required to be considered for funding. The deadline for submitting a Pre-application is April 26, 2019, 5:00 p.m. Applicants must receive a recommendation to submit a Full Application. Full Applications need to be submitted by June 14, 2019, 5:00 p.m. Pre-applications and full applications are to be submitted to WCBCorridors@wildlife.ca.gov with 2019 Wildlife Corridor and Fish Passage Grant Proposal in the subject line. All questions and comments should also be submitted to WCBCorridors@wildlife.ca.gov. Continue reading... Categories: Grant News Tagged: Monarch Butterflies and Pollinator Rescue Program PSN April 2, 2019 The Wildlife Conservation Board's Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Rescue Program grant proposal solicitation is now available. Priorities include the restoration or enhancement of overwintering sites and breeding and migration habitat. Technical assistance for the purpose of recovering and sustaining populations of monarch butterflies and other pollinators will also be prioritized. All applicants must first submit a pre-application to WCBPollinators@wildlife.ca.gov, and only if requested to do so, a full application. Pre-applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis. All questions should be submitted to WCBPollinators@wildlife.ca.gov. Continue reading... Categories: Grant News Tagged: April 4 Streamflow Enhancement Program Meeting March 22, 2019 The Wildlife Conservation Board's Stream Flow Enhancement Program will meet April 4, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Location: California Natural Resources Agency, First Floor Auditorium 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Public welcome! See Full Agenda (PDF) for more information. Continue reading... Categories: General Tagged: March 7, 2019, Wildlife Conservation Board Meeting Results March 11, 2019 The Wildlife Conservation Board approved expenditures of $8 million for 21 projects and approved guidelines for the Monarch and Pollinator Rescue Program (PDF) on March 7, 2019. Press Release Continue reading... 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